By Stephen Riches
April 13, 2020
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first. As of the end of March, according to available stats, about 1 out of every 10,000 people on the planet has been diagnosed with Covid-19. Good News. The majority have already recovered or are now recovering from the virus. Better News. As the period of Social Distancing continues in our efforts to conquer this disease, it’s good to remember that there are three wonderful benefits to our health related to listening to music: 1 it can reduce stress and anxiety 2 it can increase the body’s immune system 3 it can help lift people out of depression Best News – You may know the story of the Shepherd boy, David. reducing King Saul’s agitation by playing a harp for him. Or, perhaps you’ve heard the saying that “music soothes the savage beast” My personal top 10 list tends to change from day to day. But, I’m going to give you three of my many favourite listening suggestions in varying styles that I think will lift your spirits, bring a smile to your face, and in at least one case, even get your toes tapping. So here they are – you can look them up on YouTube. 1 Ray Charles – The Mess Around – a slightly naughty song blessed with an infectious (but healthy) motion from beginning to end that is guaranteed to energize you and make you smile! 2 Twila Paris – How Beautiful – a wonderfully luxurious inspirational song for reflection that will raise your spirits in all circumstances! 3 Beethoven – Romance #2 in F for Violin and Orchestra – this is the composer at his angelic best; rising above the personal trials with which he was grappling in his own life back in the year 1803! Happy Listening!